
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Making the most of 75 degrees

VERY windy day! Leaves going everywhere! In spite of the blustery weather, I got quite a bit done yesterday. I got one of two large limbs of that mulberry tree down. However, no matter how hard I yanked, or twirled, or swung from it, that second one was going nowhere. So, I did what I am best at-ignored it and cleaned up the fence row. This is a total pain as it requires digging under the fence, clipping through the fence (trying not to cut the fence) and yanking vines out of the fence; all while sitting on my behind, hoping that I don't scootch into a pile of doggie doo that I somehow could not smell before I landed in it.

I picked up and bundled all the sticks and debris that were laying around and got them out front, ready for the next recycle pickup. I have one pile left, but it's not easy to bundle up, so, I will get the biobags for that the next time I am in the mood for expensive coffee from the local barista. Lets, see, what else..

Oh, yes, I got totally peeved at just staring at my Recon and hoofed it down to PepBoys and got myself a new 12 volt battery. Talk about relieved when the puppy started right up! Man, that thing increases my productivity 100 percent! I LOVE MY RECON!

Now all I have to do is get that stupid scooter to be inspected, but that's another story.

Oh, I got the grass cut on the top level and it looks sooo nice! I decided to whack all the ground cover down, now that most of the spruce trees are almost gone. Still have to cut the dead branches back, but that is a good cold weather thing and can wait.

I had two loads of mulch left in the trailer and used my trusty wagon and Recon to haul it up to the pergola and got one whole side mulched. Fiona was quite helpful keeping the newspaper I laid down first from blowing away by parking her big brindle butt on it. Amy was afraid of the Recon, so only came out when the 'noise monster' wasn't running.

next big job, boys and girls....Leaves.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

productive 1/2 day

Well, I got almost all of my bulbs in the ground. Just have some grape hy. and some regular hys to put in. I don't count the tulips as they go in pots, and that is the easiest task left in late fall.

My big accomplishment was to put the two grown up azaleas into the ground. I had them in pots for the last 4 years and it was time. They got a mini memorial service for Sam and Carly; just me and the gurls were there, but I'm sure the old gals were watching from above. They will flank the steps in white in the spring. I hope they make it.

The final task of the day was installing all the plant material (alpines) around the waterfall. This was no small task, given that I had two galloping puppies trying to 'help' me. If they weren't digging in the hole I had just planted, then they were galloping through the bed itself. Oh, well, survival of the fittest in my garden.

Then, the rain came and ran us all inside. Worked the rest of the afternoon on my garden design talk while Amy and Fi alternated sleeping and chewing that darn stick I KNOW I threw out at least twice yesterday!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Welcome to my my blog!

I have no idea if anyone is ever going to stumble upon my blog, but I decided to get with the 21st century and start one. Since I surf the net more than I keep up with writing in my garden journal, I was hoping this method might just be the thing to keep me current. We shall see......