
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Jamaica was great!

Went on holiday to Couple's Negril, Jamaica for a week. Had a beachfront cottage and loved waking up to the sound of the ocean each morning. They had a veggie grill, just steps away from the cottage and so finding something to eat was too easy.

I got a couple very nice images of the beach and will post when I get off my duff and download them from the camera.

Survived Christmas and looking forward to the New Year.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I'm done with December, already

I'm already tired of the cold and I promised myself I would not start whining about it until at least February.

At least it was dry and sunny, so that Fi and Amy and I got to go outside and play around and not come in dripping with mud. Amy did manage to arrive back into the house with a huge swoop of mud on one side of her chest, but otherwise, not too muddy.

Fat Man Who Smells Like Sausage (fmwsls) made a fire yesterday evening and they were in heaven! He pulled both of their beds closer to the fire and they instantly took to them and slept there for a good two hours. Then, Fiona must have gotten too hot, for she yawned and then lumbered over to the tv area to stretch out on the rug in front of us.

I have been collecting all the poly fil that they pull out of every single chew toy they get and finally got enough of it to stuff a good size 'mattress' for them. I just sewed a zipper into a big dog bed cover that I already had and it made a great fluffy pillow that each of them enjoys mushing down and curling up in.

I must say that the curtains between the conservatory and the study are working wonders along with the baseboard heater we purchased. I can keep the rest of the residence fairly chilly and still be quite comfortable sitting still to surf the net or watch some telly.

I promise to get back to a gardening topic in a few days; it's just hard to transition down from balls-to-the-wall horticulture. I have sort of enjoyed hanging out in the house for a bit, so bear with me until I get my priorities straight again.

Mostly I hide from the leaves.