
Friday, April 16, 2010

What's in Bloom for Thunder Weekend

It has been so unseasonably warm for the last two weeks (temps in the high 80'sF), that it feels like summer instead of late spring. The pansies and violas are pouting, but most every other group is taking advantage of the warmth to let loose a flurry of activity. The containers of spring bulbs that I potted up this past fall look especially nice right now. I really like the striped tulips so well that I might just let them die back instead of ripping them out early, like I usually do.

The big fireworks show Thunder Over Louisville is this Saturday, and since this heralds the kickoff of Derby Week(s), no self respecting l'ville gardener would miss the opportunity to boast about what is blooming in his/her garden. I know it sounds snotty, but a garden in full bloom on Derby Day is a major coup d'etat around here. So, here is what my 'castle' has to offer:

  • "Forest Pansy" Redbud in nearly full bloom.
  • Dogwoods, both pink and white are glorious this year.
  • Purple and white lilacs.
  • Most of the Azaleas are in full bud and some are just now blooming, except the yellow-still tightly held.
  • creeping phlox is brilliant pink and blues
  • Amelanchier is beginning to fade-lst year it's been in full bloom on all stems!
  • hideous yellow blooms of Oregon grape holly are inn full swing.
  • The last of the daffodils are beginning to fade, but still a few double white ones scenting the air.
  • A few of the hellebores are still in full bloom.
After that, it will be a few weeks until the early summer act kicks in.

In the interim, it's nice to sit and listen to the soothing sounds of falling water, now that the water feature on the patio is up and running for the season. I should really refer to it as the water cooler as Amy thinks of it as her personal drinking dish. With that long, geeky neck, she can easily lap at the water at the top of the basin. Poor Fi has to be content with licking the water as it runs down the sides of the vase.

The patio looked great for about five minutes yesterday after Garden Flunky swept it of leaves, but the ash tree is budding out, so it's a short lived tidiness. At least the coral bark Japanese maples are leafing out, giving us something to look at instead of flower detritus.

The old waterfall that used to empty into a fishpond is slowly being converted into a dry stream-bed. It's prettiest in the spring, as most of the sedums, bulbs, and alpines are in bloom. it still needs some work, but it's beginning to be a focal point instead of an eyesore

Speaking of eyesores, I wanted to post an image of the old and new grill. The old one is currently dismantled, and will be upcycled into a barbecue grill. I will add it to the 'Spitting Image' page when it's final transformation is complete (aka, when I ask my Father to help me pull it off!)

Our old, sad gas grill

And, now, our New Gas Grill!

I must sign off and get started on some chores before the rain kicks in this afternoon and I'm still here, surfing, and sipping coffee.

Oh, FYI:
I have a fabulous trip planned for this weekend, and when I get back I will post some images. I am very excited and it's hard to keep the secret, but check back next week for the reveal!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Finally! done with the leaves!

This weekend I got some much needed and appreciated help from my garden flunkie. He chipped up the last pile of leaves in the back garden and also in the front. While he was doing that nasty chore, I was free to do some other much needed tasks.

  • I got the shade bed 90% weeded and about 1/2 of it mulched.
  • I got all the chipped up leaves transferred to the '10 bin (compost bin for this years' leaves)
  • the last-or, shall I say, current-batch of sticks bundled up for recycle.
  • got the last logs of wood moved from pruning/culling trees over the raised beds.
  • cleaned out the leaves from the sidewalk bed.
  • planted the physocarpus shrubs along the driveway.
  • planted the last bag of bulbs in the ribbon bed alongside the sidewalk
  • gathered up all the plastic containers for recycle day.
  • got the grass mowed on the 2nd level-looks really nice except for the pigpath that the gurls have carved into it!
  • stopped our rickety, temporary outdoor kitchen counter from wobbling.
  • replaced the door stop on the sliding glass door in the hot tub room.
  • cut back the russian sage, the grasses, and caryopteris in the front.
Lastly, I tidied up the area to the right of the raised beds. I had already re-located the metal lawn edging to curve around to the rear of the beds, so I planted three boxwood 'Green Velvet' and trimmed out the edging with the red daylilies. I also re-planted all the bits and pieces of perennials that were waiting for a permanent home after I had gotten them out of the way of the raised bed install. Now all I need is some mulc and it should look fairly decent over there.

Since I was in rehab mode for this area, I decided to pull out the ivy from the steps and re-plant the treds with dwarf mondo grass. Hopefully this plant will fill out better and faster than the ivy-which was quite dissappointing, I must say.

And, the best work of the whole weekend? A New Gas Grill!
We were too impatient to wait for the store to put it together, so, after a solid two hours of assembly, we are happy to announce that we can actually cook on this thing!

I will post some images later, when I have more time. Also, check out my new blog page : Image of my Father"