
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Pasadena was great!

Somehow I managed to get DH to agree to go with me to the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, California. I think he believes going on this trip will exonerate him for taking as many motorcycle trips in 2010 as he wants. I have to agree. I have gone on three big vacations in 2009, and we still have a cruise to look forward to in May.

The floats were gorgeous and we got to walk up close to them the day after the parade. Even on close scrutiny they still looked artificial due to their perfection. They use a lot of ground up strawflower, statice, onion seeds and rice, I can tell you that much.

It was hard to leave 70 degree weather and come back to the teens and 20's, that's for sure. At least it's better here than in Chicago, where we exited the aircraft onto the tarmac at a very chilly 17 degrees.

They are forecasting snow tomorrow. Not much, only a few inches (supposedly). Amy and Fi have only seen a dusting so far, so it will be interesting to watch their reaction to a blanket of snow. I predict they will have a grand old time in it.

I have been feeding the birds and have quite a few diners in the early morning. Of course, Fiona just HATES squirrels at the feeder, but I won't let her out to chase them until they have had a chance to fill up on seeds and corn. Then, once they have a full belly to keep them warm, I let her out to take a run at them. Poor Fi, she will never figure out that those furry intruders can hear the 'snick' of the door latch and are off and running before she can even clear the dog door.

Grandmummy called today to say that she wants her furry grandchildren back, as she can't get used to the quiet house now that they are back home with us. I told her to lay off taking so much cough medicine. They tore up the usual amount of stuffed animals and tracked in the maximum amount of mud onto the kitchen floor, but the worst stunt they pulled was sneaking a full can of soda from a carton to 'play' with. One of them (I know it was Fiona, she's the only one with enough jaw strength) then proceeded to puncture it and spray sticky cola all over the floor.

Only my mother would miss the chaos that those two 1-year olds' create.

Took a stroll in the garden today while I played ball with the girls and noticed that all the beds are in a deep sleep. Funny, just a week ago, the foliage was still hanging on, obscuring the ground in most places. Now, I can see the contour of the beds and, I hate to admit, all the little winter weeds that germinated since I last weeded in the fall.

Oooh, the best part of January just appeared-say it with me-Seed Catalogs! Now I can curl up on the couch with my books and dream of all the stuff I want, even though I haven't the room to put out 1/3 of what I am salivating over growing.

Guess I should get off here and work on my knitting project for an hour or so, then it's off to bed to dream of onions, and leeks and turnips, Oh My!

Happy 2010, world wide web

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