
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Back in the Blogger Saddle Again

Wow, It's been over a year since my last post! Honestly, though, there was very little "new" garden work that occurred until this year.  Last year was either so hot or so wet, that the garden was pretty much in stasis,  with just weeding and watering going on. I did a little fiddling, but much of that work was re-worked this year, so really all you missed was me moaning and groaning about the heat, rain, ice, drought, weeds, get the idea.  

This current year (until the heat wave hit a couple of weeks ago) has been pretty productive, so there is much to discuss in future posts.  I do have a few pictures from the 'great blog drought' that I will post at some point, so if you have been watching Downton Abbey to keep yourself occupied in my absence-Rejoice!  

The lazy blogger has returned!

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