
Monday, August 6, 2012

Mulch + Humidity = Exhaustion

Today was spent trying to weed and mulch the back border.  I was only able to get two loads hauled before the lack of a breeze, high humidity, and the heat did me in.  I did get all of it weeded and edged, and only have about ten feet left to go.  The access path behind the border that is against the fence will be done at a later date, with plain wood chips.

Since I was too tired to scoop mulch, I spent the rest of the morning attacking the last of the weeds and vines from the back corner of the garden.  In order to keep the erosion down, there is a combination of grass and ground cover under the shrubs, which does the job, but sure makes it a chore to keep tidy.  It looks much better now, and should be easier to maintain the rest of the summer. 

After cleaning up the debris and storing the tools, I picked the latest crop of tomatoes that were ripe. I picked one gnarly green one that I think is not going to get a chance to turn red before the vine dies. Oh, well, I have to have fried green tomatoes at least once this year:)

Tomorrow is watering day, and then back into the house for some housework (Yuck! I would rather pull weeds).

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