
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yes We....uhhh....Me Can

It's that time of year when I start to feel overwhelmed with all the tasks to be done.

The leftover leaves mock me and so, being the zen master of procrastination, I just look away and find some other job to do.

I did get the three raised vegetable beds finished, which I am quite pleased about. (I'll post some pics later). I filled them first with some leaf mold, then followed that with some composted wood chips, and topped it all off with some fresh garden soil.

Many, Many thanks to my parents for helping me construct the beds. We even made a vertical potato growing bin, which I am dying to get some 'taters into.

I quickly discovered that I need some fencing. It seems that someone has been digging big holes in my brand new beds. Gee, I wonder who would do such a thing???? I'll tell you who; it's that 3 foot long mole that I call a dog, is who.

After sniffing about, digging is her favorite hobby. That girl can DIG. She has already sniffed out, dug up and ATE three of the seed potatoes that I planted. That's 50% of my crop, right there. Darn varmits.

While the raised bed job was quite an accomplishment, there are so many spring jobs that still need attending to;

  • I have some major pruning and whacking and weeding to do in the front.
  • Gotta cut down all the ornamental grasses.
  • tidy up the patio
  • move the tree hydrangea to a new (say it: healthier) location.
  • chop out the fence;
  • get the fountain up and running.
  • attend to the back border.
  • fertilize the bulbs.
  • mulch the rose bed.
  • mulch the hill bed.
  • I have to get some evergreen screens in between our house and the house next door that's up for sale.
And, I'm still lost on what to do with the area that my bedroom window looks out onto. It has to be something I can run over with a vehicle (gate is on this side), and something that can tolerate seasonal water runoff. All I have now is ditch lilies, which look fine, but there is large season of ugly to contend with. I am seriously thinking of some type of mint, or some other thing that is quick to get started in spring. It travels, I know, I know. But it has to be a contender with all the weed seeds that get washed into the rocks.

Oh, well, as I weed, I will pontificate further on it.

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