
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Amy & Fiona's garden perspective

Fi is the guard dog; always on the watch for an interloper-squirrel, bird, or one of those huge dog like things with horns (deer). Amy is Barney Fife when it comes to patrolling. She is almost always the one who is following; too busy chewing on a stick to notice that infidel squirrel is inside the green zone.

Amy is, however, very,very good at stalking. She is a cunning and powerful tiger, waiting in the bushes for the clueless wildebeest. She always pulls her ears down tight to her head to make sure they don't show above her 'cover'. I'm pretty sure Fi can see her behind the clump of daylily, but hey, it works for Amy.

Sometimes, like today, they play an extended game of 'Tag-your it', which is basically racing around at top speed until one of them manages to catch up with the other and roll them to the ground. Then, the game resets and it's the others' turn to get clobbered.

Sometimes they are wild mustangs, rearing up on their back legs, snarling and snapping, pawing each other with their front legs.

I like how they take turns being the top dog versus the bottom dog. Amy was not very good at being the one on the floor for quite a while. I think she must have been worried about being seen as weak, even in play mode. The give and take is nearly equal now.

Fiona likes to play "a little' fetch. That means, throw it ONE time, and NOT FAR! She much prefers to take her ball into one of the garden beds and then play soccer with it; pushing and rolling it with her feet. You have to watch her closely, or else she will bury it on you.

Amy is all about fetch. We call her ballcentric-everything good revolves around the Kong, the ball, anything that she thinks makes for good fetching. Sticks, not so much. Sticks are for chewing, silly mommy.

It was so nice after work today that DH and I pulled up a chair and enjoyed the Amy & Fi Variety Hour as the last of the sun dipped behind the house. It gets dark quick these days, so it's nice to enjoy whatever sunshine we can.

Time to turn off, as my pizza dough is ready to go. I love my Z-machine!

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