
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

glad to go to work...really!

Missed posting the last two days, but it's pretty much the same thing-garden tasking. Finally got the last two azaleas moved (both to back border). watered the Sam & Carly Azaleas at the top of the steps, just in case it doesn't rain as much today as they are predicting.

performed some lackluster weeding in the back border, but was just too tuckered out to launch a full assault on the last third. Maybe it's because I weeded the fence line that I swore I would not deal with until later. so much for resolve, eh!

raked up the leaves in a good portion of the back border and a bit in the amphitheater. Oh, yes, I moved a peony from the sundial bed to the amphitheater. I planted the extra butterfly bushes against the fence, but I have little hope any will survive the onslaught of rushing water that will occur. I just don't know what to do with that area. anything I try gets washed away. at least I barricaded the large opening at the fences' base with some old logs, just in case the girls experiment with escaping.

I cleaned up the debris from planting the bulbs along this same area. It still looks rough, but maybe some mulch will pretty it up. I think some dwarf grasses will also look good, and since they can be driven over anytime we need to get a vehicle through, may be the best solution.

I prettied up the left side of the hill bed and planting three 'Gold Lace' junipers. They get about 6 feet wide and 4 feet tall and should look nice against the backdrop of red day lily, gray garden sage, and lambs ear that I finally got moved and planted. Still have some hosta bits to deal with, but was too tired to think or move and just left them heeled in and will deal later.

Of course I just had to whack at the side fence while I was on the hill, but it does look a bit better. I realigned the bed border so it terminates at the 1st step. it is so incredibly wet down there, that I will have to really think what I can put in that can take all that dampness.

I bundled up the last of the sticks/debris and hope I can get them to recycle this week. No rain in the forecast, so odds are good.

I planted the new blueberry bush 'Blue Crop' and will acidify them next week. I pulled up the last of the maters and peppers from this area, but they are just laying there. I could not bear to tie up one last bundle yesterday.

I got the hardy herbs pulled out of the planter boxes and into the ground; all that's left is to plant the last 3 cloves of garlic 'Music' and a couple more hardy herbs.

I considered broadcasting some 10-10-10 around the back border, but resisted. I have already done the yard, and veggie garden, so 75% of the ferting is done, so I'll just hand tight for a while.

I got the 'Skypencil' holly planted in the front yard and tidied up the last of the plants to put in. Hope to get to that this weekend, but it's a nice forecast and we may get invited to hang out with some friends, so that trumps a hortattack in the yard!

let's see, I think that's about it. Oh, dumped the composted poopy-whewwee! it smelled like cow poopy, so I put it outside the fence-so no 'I don't smell like anyother dog' stench.

I got the cryptomeria planted at the top of the yard in front of the dead spruce. I hope it gets enough sun in the full summer. It is supposed to grow pretty fast and should be able to rise over the shrub magnolia in front. I also keep them limbed up, which is good, and now that we have decided to get rid of the trees at the top of the second level, that will really give us some good afternoon sun.

I think that's about all, except for planting that woeful cypress tree I rescued from work in the netherlands behind the back border. the soil is so humus rich, I think he will take off and do me proud. Tiny Tim, as I call him, will not be so for long, I predict.

The large maple tree is really turning yellow, I noticed yesterday. It won't be long until she lets loose and then the real work will start. Bring it on, I love leaf mould, anyway!

I am starting a new string called what's blooming (oh, so original, I KNOW), but it will be a better way to record the stuff than me trying to remember it all. so, for now, just know that the KO roses are still beautiful and, weirdly, an azalea has a single bloom and some lavender is blooming. the J. maple is crimson and looks so perfect with the berries of the nandina it is flanked by. the burning bushes (invasive, I know, but too bad, it's here) are aflame this year.

Today Grandmummy comes t0 babysit and clean house-thank goodness! my house has got little attention in the last 3 days and it shows. I'm off to work to continue propagation on the alpine plants. I am proud to say I am on-target with 90% of the work.

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