
Monday, November 16, 2009

The leaves are all down

You would think I would be out there today just enjoying the nice weather instead of waiting and having to work in wet ground, but evidently my lazy button must be stuck on sit.

No, that's not entirely true.

My best friend called me this morning, crying, telling me that her dog Bella died. We just had dinner with them last night and everything was fine. In fact, the Good Fairy (My friend will forever be called this after her great "OZ" costume at one of our Halloween Parties.) was a bit worried over her other dog, Katey, who had been losing some weight. So, I am sitting here, crying for my friend and what a huge loss she has suffered today. I'm sure I might feel better if I went into the garden, but I'm trying to decide when I should go see her. Hate to get all dirty if I want to go before lunch. Why do I worry about stupid things in a time like this? I have a shower, for heavens sake.

Maybe I should wait until she gets home from work and take some food over? We never eat Bereavement Food, as I know only too well, but it's what I was raised to do. Every Southern Woman knows you must take some huge dish of food to those we love in crisis. I have this feeling that it's not just my locale that does it. I'll bet Italian women do the same thing. It's probably pasta instead of fried chicken, though.

Bella was a rescue dog off of the streets about 6 years ago. They found her on Thanksgiving day. She was an 82 pound ratty, timid St. Bernard, that quickly turned into a beautiful, huge girl with that sweet temperament that almost all rescues have. "Just grateful to be here" we always thought Bella would say, if she could talk. She had a wonderful life with her forever family, that's for sure. Good food, comfy beds (actually her very own couch), puppy treats, chew toys, a big backyard-oh, it went on and on how much love she was given. There were walks in the morning with Mommy, Daddy, and Katey, and car rides to nowhere. About the only thing Bella was not too happy about was her beauty parlor appointments now and then. 'Pretty Paws' was not her favorite place, but she always had a beautiful coat and good skin because of all the good grooming she got.

How odd, that she left us so close to the day she came into our lives.

And so, my darling God-dog, you have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, where it's always wonderful and fun and happy and there are so, so many old friends, both two-legged and four-legged.

Goodbye, Bella, you sweet, sweet girl.
We grieve, but are so very grateful we got to be a part of your life.

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