
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Evidently, since GF (you know what it stands for if you have read other posts) was not in the mood to go outside, it must have rubbed off on me. My big outdoor adventure consisted of throwing a bit of ball to the gurls and then going food shopping.

I wasted a perfectly good day, and I ask myself; how many more are there going to be before it's bitter cold?

At least, when I go to work later in the day, I will be forced to enjoy the outdoors, as that's what my job requires. Probably be sawing up cut trees for use as greenery. I find that, after I cut up a zillion trees and lug it all around to make a zillion mini trees, and wreaths, show show a zillion people how to do it in class, and then sweep up and cart away all the leftovers to the dump pile, I start to snarl at the very thought of the holidays.

I think this is probably how a lot of people who are in the retail business and who have a big push around the holiday period must feel. Of course, I'm sure there are just as many people who thrive on the "fun". Weirdos.

Must be like weeding; it's either a challenge or it's drudgery-no middle ground.

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