
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

should have taken 'em both to daycare

These two furry kids have drove me bonkers today. Fi rolled in so much mud, she was brown, instead of brindle. Then, she had a romp session in the master bedroom and got the recently cleaned carpet filthy. It's now drying after a light cleaning and is perfectly fine, but I was NOT planning on cleaning carpet today.

The mud room is a hovel! there is dirt, mud, puppy tracks and chewed up sticks all over the floor. While the new curtains certainly block out cold air, it also blocks out my view of the little vandals until it's too late and the deed is done.

Oh, yes, never try to sweep and mop a floor with two nosy dogs following your every move-all across the freshly washed floor, I might add. Then, they had much fun 'helping' me to re-arrange the food pantry by eating anything I dropped (edible or not) or trying to steal whatever they could reach on the lower shelves and could carry without being caught.

The good news is that fiona likes black eyed peas (uncooked and hard as bb's) and Amy loves rancid pizza crust flour.

I want to yell "just wait 'til your Father gets home!", but of course, right now they are sleeping like two little angels and the tyranny is over.....

For the moment.

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