
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good Day for Gardening

It's 9:30 A.M. and already the sun is warm and bright. I actually got some housework done this morning, so I am feeling very productive, thank you very much. I am waiting for the dew to burn off the lawn, so I won't be as soggy (my bum, at least) when I finish weeding the last of the back border.

I have just a few items to get into the ground, and may ask my Garden Flunky to help me, if he is in the mood for some manual labor. I'm thinking the answer is going to be 'NO', but at least I inquired. It's not a big deal; it's just nice to have someone else dig a hole or two. My CTS is very much improved, so I think I can do a little weeding without if flaring back up big-time.

I must get a picture of the view outside our library. A crimson Japanese maple looks so wonderful against its' background of nandina bushes. They are loaded this year with those red berries. Last week the Robins found them and they were so lovely sitting on the foliage and picking the fruit. Their orange chests perfectly complemented the plant grouping. I have been trying to get a shot, but the second they spy any movement from the interior, off they fly.

I'm pretty much down to just working in the front, but that won't take long thank goodness.

And the leaves, for heaven's sake, always the leaves.

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